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Members and Patrons

Ever thought recording studios were too expensive? With ProRec Members we're now making it more accessible than ever and turning professional recording facilities into a utility.

Membership recording studios are a relatively new concept and they aren't very popular. One reason for this is that from a business perspective it's very risky; it basically means that the recording studio is available for dry hire to anyone who wants to pay monthly for it, sometimes the artists are even given keys to the studio! Obvious complications will crop up with this sort of model.

Our Patron packages make the best of both membership and none membership models. We don't give the keys away to members and give them a monthly studio allowance. Instead as a patron, you pay monthly into your account and accumulate studio time to use whenever, with the huge benefit of still having a recording engineer for the sessions.

For example, a band who pays the Rider Package will be paying £150 into an account each month. They may decide to book one session each month to record demos, or they might save for 6 months and book 6 days in at once to record an EP. Essentially you are paying your recording utility each month so the studio is figuratively on tap! Because you are also paying in advance we can afford to offer really attractive incentives to save up for your recording projects.

When it comes down to it studio time can cost less than your mobile phone bill, and this is exactly what we mean by making professional recording accessible. Any musician that is serious about their craft and recording it, we hope this to be a no-brainer.

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